Thursday, January 19, 2012


I'm in "paradise" when I am sitting near the ocean. There is something incredebly therapeutic about being near beautiful blue water and just listening to it crash against the shore. When I'm there I feel like nothing else in the world matters. It's the few places where I can just be, with no worries. Unfortunately, I can't be there all the time but everytime I play Paradise by Coldplay I feel like I am transported there.
The tune of the song makes me feel relaxed and any stress I had just seems to disapear.
It gives me chills every time I hear it.
It is about how when we are younger we had expected our lives to turn out amazing but often times life is nothing like how we envisioned it. Our dreams are the few places we can turn to and escape reality. Though this song makes me really sad it also gives me hope. 
It makes me realize that even though life isn't the fairytale every little girl dreamed of there is some good in it and you should never give up on your dreams because somewhere there is your perfect paradise waiting for you.

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