Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Song Reflection

Out of everything we have done this year in philosophy the song presentation was probably the hardest for me. When Mr. Summer's first told us that our project  involved us singing I was sure (at least hoping) he was joking. I just couldn't picture myself singing in front of a class. Finally, when the day of the presentation arrived (today) I kept thinking of an excuse not to do it. I was even tempted to say I didn't write a song. But I knew I couldn't do that so instead I hoped the bell would ring before it was my turn. I kept looking over to the board where my name was written hoping there would be more people in line before me but finally it was my turn. I knew there was no avoiding it. My stomach was in knots and my hands were shaking. Maybe to some people it wouldn't have been that big of a deal, especially since the class is so small but to me it was like I was about to deliver a speech in front of an arena filled with people. If it had been just a speech in front of the class it would have been fine but singing. Me?? I can't carry a tune to save my life.
But now as I reflect back on today I guess it was a good experience to have. In a way I think it eased my fear of public speaking (at least just a little bit) because now I can think, "at least I'm not about to sing."

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