Friday, October 21, 2011

Free will?

The more I think about religion the more I begin to question free will. Even if God doesn't exist and no one in a completely different world is writing our story do we still have free will? Society no matter where you go plays a factor to what we do and don't do, the government sets up laws that its citizens are required to follow and our parents values are usually passed down to us.  There's always outside influences controlling our lives. For example, I come to school everyday because I know it's the right thing to do. Why? Because my parents have always told me it was, it's illegal to skip school and society frowns upon those who are less educated.  I don't really think of all this at the moment it's become almost instinct for me to go to school so I feel as though it is a choice I have made. But did I?

1 comment:

  1. That's a fantastic point Rafa. Alex and I were discussing something of a similar nature a week or so ago. Thinking about Hegel's idea of a "world spirit", maybe there is a type of free will, but it's limited. There are certain parameters to which you can exercise your free will, but you do have a degree of freedom. I mean, nothing can truly stop you from dropping our of school right now, and going to work at McDonald's. But would you actually ever be able to do that? Wouldn't your moral/ethical mind provide such strong argument against this that you would't actually ever even consider it a viable option?
